How does this work?
Our tool uses the Puppeteer library offered by Google to spin up a live browser session and load your page. Once the page has loaded, we check to see if the marketing tags have fired successfully.
Why not just scrape the page?
Scraping a web page would only indicate which tags have been added directly to the source code. Simply adding a tag to a page does not mean that it will work as expected. Also, any tags that are loading via a tag container, like Google Tag Manager, would not be discovered since they are not added until the page is loaded in a web browser.
What tags and events are being checked?
Our tool checks that the following tags are being loaded and are firing their respective "pageview" event:
- Google Ads
- Microsoft Ads UET Tag
- Facebook Pixel
- Universal Analytics
- Google Analytics 4
- Google Tag Manager
- LinkedIn Insight
- Oath DOT Tag
- Snap Pixel
- Quora Tag
- Reddit Pixel
- TikTok Pixel
What if we ask for consent before allowing certain tags to load?
Our tool is capable of accepting cookies for sites using OneTrust, Cookiebot, Osano, or Cookie Consent as their cookie management solution. Support for other providers may be added in the future. Disclosure: Found Search Marketing is a OneTrust Strategic Partner.
What about checking tags that track user interactions?
Currently, there is not a good solution for agnostically checking tags that fire after a user interaction, e.g. viewing a video or downloading a brochure. This is due to the wildly different setups of sites and pages.